We conduct special education classes, both face-to-face and online,
to help special children achieve developmental goals;
for children aged 2-12 years.
Why Special Education?
Special Education is the program specifically designed for children who exhibit delays in developing their physical, cognitive or scholastic skills compared to their peers. Each child is unique and when it comes to children with a longer developmental curve, this idea becomes even more pronounced. Such children find it difficult to cope with conventional classroom environments, pushing them further away from regular education. They need special help to help them with their learning. Children diagnosed with the following conditions often show develpmental delays.

We offer special education classes for

What is Special Education?
Special education programs develop teaching strategies and delivery methods that are specific to each child. These help the children learn at their own pace and in their own style. Special Educators also adapt content and design a unique program for each child based on his/her specific need and learning style. Special education enables the child to acquire the required life skills, both academic and non-academic in an environment that is congenial to the child’s learning style and pace.

Anvi Special Education:
What we do?
At Anvi Special Education, we understand the need of each child after a meticulous assessment of their current capabilities; academically, developmentally, functionally, and emotionally. Based on our assessment we chart an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the child. The IEP sets specific and reasonable goals for both the short term and the long-term, in each of these areas. We then prepare a teaching plan for the child to meet these goals. Classes are then conducted as per the teaching plan to achieve the goals.
How can I have an effective Online special education program
for my child?
How does special education online work?
Any Special education regime starts with assessing the child’s present capabilities. This assessment is ideally conducted in person over several sessions. The same can be attempted online, though it will take more sessions and more work from both parent and educator in assessing the child.
After the assessment, a Individualized Education Plan is prepared for the child. Think of this written document as the child’s very own syllabus, with his/her short term and long-term goals. The IEP also lay the guidelines for various teaching strategies and methods that will help achieve the goals. With the child’s IEP in hand, parents can monitor progress at regular intervals and make course corrections when needed.
Regular Online sessions for Parents empowering them to teach the child.
Parents can attend one-to-one sessions and learn how they can teach their children. The parents are guided on the teaching patterns and methodologies needed for the child. They are given lists of activities, with clear instructions and explanations, which they in turn implement on the child. In this manner, the parents effectively become the primary educators of the child, guided by a professional at every step. The parents have a mentor in their journey who stays with them continuously, explaining concepts, developing strategies, clearing doubts and above all being a co-traveller in this difficult journey.
What if I find a special educator to teach my child in-person, mid-way through the program?
If you do find a special educator who can teach your child in-person, you can move away from the program at any time. We will be happy to provide all documentation of your child’s journey with us thus far, like his/her IEP, assessment reports and progress reports. These will help the new teacher make a seamless transition to achieve the goals in the IEP seamlessly, without impacting learning schedules.